The past few weeks have been full of animals, music, and fun! Silverwood Chelsie and Sam from Silverwood Nature Center gave residents a presentation about water. We learned that nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Water regulates the Earth’s temperature. Our favorite fact is that 75% of the human brain or a living tree is made of water. After some education, residents used stamps and other tools to …
Read PostThese past few weeks have been a blast with Easter activities and some music! Dulcimer Lori Ronchak visited and played the Hammered Dulcimer during happy hour. It was such a unique and beautiful instrument that her brother made. She was very talented. We also did some sing-a-longs and music trivia on the piano. Easter Bunny A group of kids visited residents and made crafts, played games, and got “tattoos.” The Easter bunny …
Read PostSilverwood Nature Center visited us for a session on owls. We learned that owls live to be about 28 years old. They are very quiet in flight because of their frayed feathers. A group of owls is known as a parliament. Owls have tunnel vision, and because of this can turn their heads up to 270 degrees. Some residents experienced this through some nifty glasses made with tennis balls. Silverwood staff also passed …
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