Trip to the Minnesota State Capitol

Many residents came to visit the Minnesota State Capital this afternoon to see all the renovations. Fun to hear how some residents had family that fought during the Civil War and one even worked here when she was 17 years old. The history was so amazing to hear about. We learned it took 9 years from 1896-1905 for architect Cass Gilbe to build Minnesota’s third state capitol. Lincoln was the first president to ever be elected by the people of the states. The pictures in the Governor’s room held so much history. My favorite was ,The Battle of Nashville 1906 by Howard Pyle depicting the Minnesota regiments during the battle. Donny also thought he would try out the podium, thinking he would make a great Governor! The House of Representatives Chamber was beautiful and it was interesting to see where all decisions are made. Such a fun outing and lucky to have Laura who was a wonderful tour Guide.Thank you!