Trip to the Arboretum

Today we went on a trip to the Arboretum. We took in all the beauty spring has to offer on the 3-mile drive. Of course half way through someone had to “go” so residents used the outhouse…what memories this brought up!! After the drive we went inside and had some wonderful sandwiches with all the fixings in the Tea Room surrounded by natures beauty once again. Residents then went through the Conservatory and saw various types of plants and orchids and checked out the gift shop as well. This place is stunning!! Defiantly a great was to kick off spring.

On the way home we were able to see Prince’s Paisley Park. The fence was still covered with memorials and was interesting to see. We got back just in time to relax with a bit of Happy Hour or some decided to get a nap in before dinner. What a fun day!!